We aim to encourage breastmilk and provide mothers with information and correct habits about breastfeeding.
In our hospital, we help to ensure that all newborn babies receive breast milk and thus raise healthy generations. With the trainings provided to mothers, they provide a seamless period of breastfeeding and strengthen the mother-baby relationship.
- A written policy on breastfeeding has been prepared in our hospital and is presented to all health personnel at regular intervals.
- All our personnel are trained in line with this policy.
- Pregnant women are informed about the benefits and methods of breastfeeding. During the first hour after birth, babies are encouraged to start making breast contact with their mothers.
- Mothers are shown how to breastfeed and how they can maintain milk secretion when they are separated from their babies.
- Unless medically necessary, newborns are not offered any other food or drink other than breast milk. During the first 6 months of breastfeeding, families are informed about the continuation of breastfeeding up to 2 years of age with appropriate complementary feeding.
- An application has been adopted to keep the mother and baby together for 24 hours.
- Breastfeeding should be encouraged at every request of the baby.
- Breastfed babies are not given anything of the kind of pacifier or pacifier.
- Mothers are informed about the health institutions and maternal support groups that they can apply in order to continue breastfeeding and to solve the problems they may encounter after discharge.
- The international law on the marketing of infant formulas has been adopted and applied in all units of our hospital.
- You can reach our breastfeeding consultant at (0216) 494 09 55 internal (1429).
- There is a written Breastfeeding Policy in our hospital.
- All employees working in the institution are trained in accordance with the Breastfeeding Policy.
- Pregnant women and maternity women are trained on the benefits and methods of breastfeeding.
- Mothers are encouraged to start breastfeeding by providing skin contact with their babies within the first hour after birth.
- Mothers are trained on how to breastfeed and how to express and maintain their milk when they are separated from their babies.
- Unless medically necessary, newborns are not offered any other food or drink other than breast milk. During the first 6 months of breastfeeding, families are informed about the continuation of breastfeeding up to 2 years of age with appropriate complementary feeding.
- It is ensured that the mother and the baby stay together for 24 hours.
- Breastfeeding is encouraged at every request of the baby.
- Breastfed babies are not given anything of a pacifier or bottle type.
- In order to continue breastfeeding and to solve the problems they will face after being discharged to the mothers, TUZLA GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL (0216) 494 09 55 calls are made to the internal (1429) phone numbers, babies and their physicians can be checked.
- The international law on the marketing of infant formulas has been adopted and applied in our hospital.