Delivery Room


Since the construction phase, the delivery unit of our hospital has been designed in the form of large and single rooms with bathrooms and toilets in each.

In our pregnant school, we aimed to educate our mothers about prenatal, postnatal and postnatal issues and to have a conscious pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.

Within the scope of mother-friendly hospital criteria, all our pregnant women can go through the birth process together with their companion if they wish.

Our experienced, friendly, educated midwives are always with our pregnant women throughout all stages of birth and give them the necessary medical and psychological support.

As the hospital, we take maximum care to keep our cesarean rates within the rates determined by the Ministry of Health. In addition, our doctors and midwives encourage our patients to give birth normally.

Immediately after the baby is born, our midwives ensure that the skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the baby is provided as soon as possible and that the baby is breastfed by the mother within the first hour.



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