In our department, ear-nose-throat examination, ear examination with microscope, nose examination with the help of endoscope, larynx and larynge examination with the help of endoscope, hearing test and tympanogram, complete vestibular examination, vestibular healing, diagnostic procedures such as tube application, tympanoplasty (membrane repair), stapedectomy, mastoidectomy, septoplasty, septorhinoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery, radiofrequency applications, head and neck operations laryngectomy, parotidectomyisubmandibulerglandexision, neck dissection, tonsillectomy (tonsil) adenoidectomy, external ear canal stenosis, surgery is performed.
Inspection and desire of Ear Nose Throat specialists (ear congestion, sudden hearing loss in one ear, repetition of what is said, raising the sound of television, not being able to understand the sounds even though heard, mixing or misunderstanding in crowded environments, determining the direction of sound, ringing in the ear) in the cabin by the audiologist (audiometric examination) and middle ear pressure (tympanometric examination)